All Love Is Unrequited: Natsuko also likes Nobuaki in Shuukyoku.Kigen clarifies that she's actually Kazunari's child and he is potentially the reason for the resurfacing of the game. The Reveal: Ria reveals that Chiemi's mother was the doctor investigating the game in Yonaki-Mura, and the one behind the game entirely.Official Couple: With Nobuaki in the first book.Missing Mom: Chiemi's mother disappeared when she was one.In the movie, Chiemi won the original Ousama Game, but because she refused to become the new King, she has to relive the tragedy in every new class she joins. Haunted Heroine: In the manga, the King is a virus that targets her class because her mother (or rather, her first cousin once removed and her father's first love) was the King's previous master.Naoya, not wanting to betray the feelings of the people he loves, begs Nobuaki not to make him do it, but gets punched unconscious by Nobuaki and raped by Chiemi for his own good. In the original, Chiemi and Naoya are ordered to have sex thirty minutes before punishment is dealt out to the latter. Double Standard: Rape, Female on Male: Averted.Died in Your Arms Tonight: Died in Nobuaki's arms.Break the Cutie: When she discovers (in both the manga and the film adaptation) that it's her fault that the Ousama Game targeted her class.If Chiemi dies, she is just reborn as a new Chiemi to watch her friends die over and over. As punishment, her memory is repeatedly wiped and every new class she joins has to play the Ousama Game. She won the first Ousama Game but refused to become the new King. Barred from the Afterlife: Chiemi in the movie.Tragic Keepsake: Nobuaki wears Daisuke's bracelet after his death.The Hero Dies: He gets killed by a dying Natsuko at the end of Endgame.However, when the Ousama Game starts up again, he becomes a Determinator to end the game once and for all this time. In the beginning of Shuukyoku, Nobuaki is so traumatized from his experiences of the last Ousama Game that he has crawled inside of a shell, is very reluctant to bond with his class, and overall nothing like the lively, friendly kid he was introduced and depicted as in the first manga. Official Couple: With Chiemi in the first book.Nice Guy: Generally an alright and friendly guy.Informed Attractiveness: Despite looking like everyone else, Teruaki stated he has a handsome face which was getting obscured by his hair as it was getting long.Some of Naoya's last words alive are him telling Nobuaki he loves him and Chiemi very much.
Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Naoya, to the extent that Nobuaki lies to his classmates about knowing how to escape the Ousama Game in exchange to vote to save Naoya's life over Kana's, and allows (forces) Naoya to have sex with his girlfriend to save himself from a punishment.Clap Your Hands If You Believe: Chiemi and Nobuaki escape their final punishment by simply believing that they will survive.Shuukyoku even has him try to warn the others about the game, but he laments that nobody's going to start believing it until bodies start hitting the floor. Cassandra Truth: Nobuaki's gotten himself into trouble with this trope in too many instances to count.